Now when he falls/scrapes ...he needs a bandaid. Whether it is truly neccesary or not. He NEEDS one. As soon as he gets on on the these bloodless scrapes, he's calm again.
Only today...there was certainly reason to scream. I about died. And of course, none of the neighbors or close friends were home. I called my mom on her cell phone and she laughed.
E had caught his toe on the step up from the family room...and there is a big C-shaped cut...right to his nail. It wasn't really open..but it was cut. Ugh. So I cleaned it up with hydrogen peroxide...neosporin...bandaids. Praying the entire time. He wore a sock and covered shoes today.
Fastforward to about an hour ago....
E walks in..says that his bandaid fell off "somewhere." I took a look...
And then called my friend who was trained to be a nurse. UGH..GROSS!
Hopefully it will heal as fast as my poor finger. But I really don't think he can play soccer or go camping. The boys' feet are sopping wet the entire weekend when they camp.
Sounds like he needs some comfort.
i'm not commenting about E's toe
but to say i left a comment on your mom's blog. My fiances grandparents are from Redruth in Cornwall, too! And in November we went all the way out there to check it out. Cornwall is beautiful, but Redruth is kinda rundown. I would call it the Elyria of England.
Things are busy here. My wedding in almost a month!
i'm not commenting about E's toe
but to say i left a comment on your mom's blog. My fiances grandparents are from Redruth in Cornwall, too! And in November we went all the way out there to check it out. Cornwall is beautiful, but Redruth is kinda rundown. I would call it the Elyria of England.
Things are busy here. My wedding in almost a month!
Sure...blame the grandma for laughing. But not AT E* but because where else would a kid nearly rip off a toe but at your house....and for a mom who goes hysterical over a cut. Be ready...there's gonna be a lot more where that came from in your future.
poor sweetie, good mom was around and not working some 8 to 5 job just a 24/7 job heal fast maybe it will okay by saturday soccer time. try going barefoot inside to speed the healing. i know when i take my bandaid off it heals faster with the dry air. i bet he's excited to see his toe on your blog. i just put up some soccer photos of hakan and he's thrilled, check out my blog. aunt lin
Ewww! Hopefully he and you are feeling better today!
Oh goodness, the other day I said when you hurt your finger that I would bring you over some supper, but I am now thinking that I should bring over some bubble wrap. You could just bundled everyone up in that and hopefully no one else will get hurt, LOL....but I am sure sorry to ear about E's toe....:(
EEK! You guys need to squelch those injuries!! So sorry! Hope everyone is healing!
I couldn't find your email on your blog anywhere, but I just posted pictures of my craft room on my blog. Renee has been after me for a long time to do it and I finally made the time to do come on over and look.....anytime you wanna come and play, just ring the doorbell, I'll let you come on it...........Ellen
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