Saturday, we had back to back soccer games so I packed a picnic lunch for us to enjoy. The games were 11am and 12pm. Eating lunch at 10 isn't going to work and then...waiting until after 1pm isn't either. So...we had PB&J, watermelon and pretzle rods while Con played his game.
While M* and I were sitting and eating, I told her about when I was her age.
Back then, my mom could run into Gray Drug store...which is now grab a few items while us kids would sit in the car. Alone, unchaperoned, and young. From time to time she would surprise us with a pretzel rod when she got back to the car. I remember they would cost three cents and were stored in a container on the checkout counter. They were not "individually wrapped."

(So...that is the closest picture I could find with a quick google images search.)
I remember trying to suck on make it last. But I'm a cruncher...and well...the CRUNCH came pretty quickly. hehe.
C* won his game...2-1. He has really stepped up his running game and I'm so glad. It was a hard game for the Jet Dragons. The other team had set up a cherry pick...and kept using it. So Coach Mark had to get our kids into a different game plan.
E*'s game time arrived and I was the lone coach. My assitant coach was out of town. So we were down to only 5 players...meaning only one substitute. As soon as we started playing, it started to rain. And it rained pretty steady the entire first quarter. The girls were in shock that we'd play in the rain. I told them, "Pretend you are playing in the shower and keep going!" We got 2 goals before the end of the first quarter. We went to the sidelines for the break and the other coach asked if I wanted to call the game off. Well, I could tell that the parents wanted to keep going b/c it looked like the weather was going to pass in a few minutes. So we agreed to wait it out 5 minutes. While waiting, one of my players left. And with no subs (the other team had 7 or 8 on their team)...we called the game. But...since we were up by 2...I'm still calling it a win. (We also already beat this team earlier.) So, my little Strikers Team is still UNDEFEATED...and yes...I'm very pleased!
Photos to come as soon as I can get them from Ken's digital card.
fun memories from the past and the present. how fun that you are coaching and have winners also. you are making memories that will last forever. i like the idea of a brunch picnic. aunt lin
I love to sit and talk about what I did when I was a youngster. I always told me kids about it and when certain people tell me their's, I'll tell them some of mine, it just makes you feel good inside. So keep sharing....Ellen
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