My online SCS/Bogging friend, Faith, tells phenominal stories about herself and family, past and present. They are entertaining insights and memories. So I thought today, I'd post one of mine. (Pictures will come later.)
Yesterday, my ebay auction arrived...two patterns for American Girl doll clothes.

My DD stopped sucking her two fingers a few months back and she received the promised doll. So for Christmas this year, I thought I'd sew some clothes for the doll. I'll be making a few items as well as matching night gowns for her and "Elizabeth."
I bought some "Laura Ashley" looking snuggly fabric/flannel yesterday afternoon. Very lovely, flowerly fabric. These nightgowns are going to be Laura Ingles style...only with floral print fabric.

There wasn't quite enough on the bolt for the 2 night gowns. But I figured I could make it stretch. Then I got home and washed and dried the fabric. What started off as 2-3 inches too short turned into 7 or 8 inches too short. I took it with me to a quilting group that met last night at church. I spread it out, carefully smoothed it as straight as I could..then I started arranging the pieces. I still think that I can get both outfits out of it. With a few modifications. (So cross your fingers for me!)
Thinking of the clothes I'd make for DD and her doll, I recalled another Christmas. I was 5 years old and the oldest of the 3 girls in my family. My baby sister J* was just born in October. My mom was a fantastic seamstress who made lots of clothes for me and my sister. That fall/winter, she was busy at her sewing machine. One day, C* and I walked in on her and saw these lovely bonnets. One was pink and the other was purple. They were wonderful. Of course, being 5 and almost 4, we wanted to know who they were for. My mom told us that they were for J. Adding "Shhhhhhhh. Don't tell her. It's a Christmas gift."
A couple of weeks later, it was Christmas. At the stroke of midnight, our parents woke us up to come see what Santa Claus has brought. As we opened gifts, mom said that there was another gift for us in the kitchen. So C and I scampered into the kitchen where we found 2 garbage bags. Inside each of them was a pair of dolls she had sewn. And of course, the girl dolls were wearing those bonnets!
I have always remembered this event...just like I still have the dolls. Over a year ago, I decided I should was "Peter and Susan's" clothes. Ooh, the dirt that came out of those cotton clothes when I hand washed them in the sink! (The bonnet has been long gone, mind you.) I'm pretty sure that is the first and only time their clothes have ben washed in nearly 30 years! I must have been in one of those cleaning/organizing moods. Soon, I carefully took off their hair, "de-stuffed" them and then gingerly washed their bodies. I restuffed them. Susan has her hair back on...Peter needs some help from his maker...hehe. I still need to stuff and add the legs.
I guess, when I am done with these doll clothes, I'll see about finishing the restoration process that I started! Don't worry Mom. Peter and Susan sit on my dresser, reminding me each day that they need to be finished.
Yesterday, my ebay auction arrived...two patterns for American Girl doll clothes.
My DD stopped sucking her two fingers a few months back and she received the promised doll. So for Christmas this year, I thought I'd sew some clothes for the doll. I'll be making a few items as well as matching night gowns for her and "Elizabeth."
I bought some "Laura Ashley" looking snuggly fabric/flannel yesterday afternoon. Very lovely, flowerly fabric. These nightgowns are going to be Laura Ingles style...only with floral print fabric.
There wasn't quite enough on the bolt for the 2 night gowns. But I figured I could make it stretch. Then I got home and washed and dried the fabric. What started off as 2-3 inches too short turned into 7 or 8 inches too short. I took it with me to a quilting group that met last night at church. I spread it out, carefully smoothed it as straight as I could..then I started arranging the pieces. I still think that I can get both outfits out of it. With a few modifications. (So cross your fingers for me!)
Thinking of the clothes I'd make for DD and her doll, I recalled another Christmas. I was 5 years old and the oldest of the 3 girls in my family. My baby sister J* was just born in October. My mom was a fantastic seamstress who made lots of clothes for me and my sister. That fall/winter, she was busy at her sewing machine. One day, C* and I walked in on her and saw these lovely bonnets. One was pink and the other was purple. They were wonderful. Of course, being 5 and almost 4, we wanted to know who they were for. My mom told us that they were for J. Adding "Shhhhhhhh. Don't tell her. It's a Christmas gift."
A couple of weeks later, it was Christmas. At the stroke of midnight, our parents woke us up to come see what Santa Claus has brought. As we opened gifts, mom said that there was another gift for us in the kitchen. So C and I scampered into the kitchen where we found 2 garbage bags. Inside each of them was a pair of dolls she had sewn. And of course, the girl dolls were wearing those bonnets!
I have always remembered this event...just like I still have the dolls. Over a year ago, I decided I should was "Peter and Susan's" clothes. Ooh, the dirt that came out of those cotton clothes when I hand washed them in the sink! (The bonnet has been long gone, mind you.) I'm pretty sure that is the first and only time their clothes have ben washed in nearly 30 years! I must have been in one of those cleaning/organizing moods. Soon, I carefully took off their hair, "de-stuffed" them and then gingerly washed their bodies. I restuffed them. Susan has her hair back on...Peter needs some help from his maker...hehe. I still need to stuff and add the legs.
I guess, when I am done with these doll clothes, I'll see about finishing the restoration process that I started! Don't worry Mom. Peter and Susan sit on my dresser, reminding me each day that they need to be finished.
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