My SCS/blogging friend Jenny had similar feelings of inadequecies and frustrations when comments about her cards weren't piling up in her gallery/blog. Calling herself a validation junkie, she decided to take a break from posting online. I'm not sure if I'm secure enough to call myself a validation junkie! But I applaud her self control.
So, today, I decided to make something for myself. Something that I have tossed around in my mind lately but reading another one of her posts gave me the kick start that I needed!
I cranked out most of this frame before picking up DS from preschool. But the arrangement just took a bit longer! I wish my creatures were a bit darker but over's a pretty fun frame...FOR ME! Now, I'm thinking that I want a note book for my car too! Thanks for the inspiration, Jenny! Come back soon to the blogging world!
PS...this frame is only going to be posted here too...not on splitcoast!
Dawn -- it's a great did a really great job!!
I think it is adorable!!! I love your elegant card below too!
I love it even better on your blog that I did over the webcam. I was wondering...did you emboss the little creatures? Now maybe it's time to try different coloring techniques. You are the degreed artist....think outside the narrow stamping world. Get back to your roots!
Love this....Very Very Sweet!!!
Lisa B <><
You did a wonderful job!!
I swear I linked it! lol. ok Im at work and will link it when I get home :P silly me!
This is great. You did a fantastic job. I understand where you are coming from. I have posted several things on my blog that I didn't end up uploading to splitcoast. I too crave validation and sometimes I start feeling bad about the stuff I've done when I only get a couple of comments. I just keep telling myself I need to think of it as I'm doing it for me and because I want to share what I love to do with my friends and family. I know what you mean about the blog browsing too. I don't have a lot of time for that (even though I really enjoy it when I do). I have four little boys that need me and they have to come first so blog browsing is not a priority right now. Anyway, "to everything there is a season", right? I'm sure the day will be here soon enough when I have tons of free time. Maybe.
very cute!
Super cute. In fact it is spooktacular!!
I have decided to ask.... Where's mine?
I love it! It's so cute, and great colours too!
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