First of all, no one told the Barretts there was a voting contest going on! And we LOVE's the house game around here.
If we were voting here is how it would go down...
Well, looking up at this above picture, C and A agree to get rid of the thumbtack. The THUMBTACK??!? What Thumbtack...great...I see we need some sewing lessons.
C: "Thumbtack/thimble...same thing." protects your fingers from being poked, the other actually pokes your fingers!!
Just called it a "cappie thing." Oh MY! We DO need a lesson here! And that was his vote.
Dad: would have voted out the wheel barrow...funny. Poor tool...helpful, strong...always around to give you a helping hand...
Me...hmmm.... hard to say...maybe shoe...
I probably only like the iron b/c it's my mom's favorite chore!
In the end E is going to treasure the iron forever...and pass it down generation to generation. His words, not mine. do a little sewing!
PS. just remembered that I did an art project in school on the monopoly thimble...hmmmm....guess I wouldn't be voting it out!
I read they were replacing it with a cat.
oh no...NEVER the shoe. My grandpa and Daddy Center always carried a shoe in their pocket..daily! Plus a shoe could 'walk' around the various streets, looking for property to buy and build upon. Never the Scottie because of Bonnie. I guess I don't want any of them to be retired. You have to have the top hat for the Monopoly man. and the battleship is a sign of the times from yesteryear as well now. And who doesn't want the SoapBox Derby car? And of course you need a thimble cuz you have the iron....Sadly, I can see why they want to give up the iron. Who irons today?
sniff sniff sniff
Enjoy the sewing lesson!
ROFL, this post cracked me up :) I'm one of those unfortunate wives that irons my hubby's shirts/pants instead of dry cleans - bah, out with the iron! Have fun sewing!
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