
The best Sister in Law...

EVER!!  That's what I've got! 

I know, I know. When you only have one brother, then you only can have one sister in law. haha. But Hillary takes the cake!  (Yeah and Jordan was spoiled when we were growing up. But in my old age, I can readily admit that I took part in the spoiling too.)

We drove down to Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday afternoon. The 3.5 hour trip was a cinche!  We had so much fun playing with L*, investigating all her very cool toddler toys, eating fabulous food (that had better get posted on the Hatchameal site), making crafts, playing our wii (which is rarely played here), lounging around, playing games, eating a delicious turkey dinner, observing craziness at the Toys R Us parking lot at 10pm on Thursday, watching movies on Uncle Jordan's HDtv, doing a teeny, tiny bit of shopping (but only b/c the lines were too outragious to actually stand in to purchase something), seeing santa, putting together starwars models, and hanging out in a house that smells like a Bath and Body Works store.

Thanks Jordan and Hillary and L*!!  We love you!

(And, since our trip home took less than 3.5 hours, you need to make the trip up here sometime...maybe come swimming with us in the summer?  Plus, you can go to Coons Candy on the way and pick up treats. Not that you didn't stock us up for the ride home! )


Tammy said...

Sounds like you had a great time. But you do have to be a good sister-in-law to have one!

Great Grandma Lin said...

sounds fun, great family holiday!

Anonymous said...

Aww... thanks Dawn! Such a sweet post! I am glad you guys enjoyed yourselves because the three of us sure did!!

Anonymous said...

Aww... thanks Dawn! Such a sweet post! I am glad you guys enjoyed yourselves because the three of us sure did!!