Years ago, I started making these darling treat holders. They were perfect for popcorn parties at school! It's simple to make and can be jazzed up for older recipients. Just add stamping, decorations, or a fancy handle. Here I used stamps from the recent PMS January Release...Moody for Love and the Love sentiments. The swirlies are from Dream Big, another PMS set. Since the base is a lunch's cheap. Here's the lowdown:
Get a regular sized lunch bag. Remember they do come in colors. After you see how to make these, you will want to stamp them before cutting and putting it together.
Fold that bottom flap over.

Cut on the edge.

View of the bottom, unfolded.
Then, cut off your "handle" at what ever width you need from the top section of the bag. (Second piece in the pix.) The remaining piece should be about the size of the bottom of the bag. I slip this in the finished bag to get the bag a little more structure.
On the bottom piece, cut the corners, as shown to the fold line.
Fold in all 4 flaps...the base of you bag is now complete.
Take your "handle" and straighten it out a bit.
Staple the handle to both sides. This is a great project to use all those colored staples that you bought, squirreled away and never used. haha.
The finished bag...undecorated.
You can make any kind of treat holder for the Paper Makeup Challenge. Be sure to link your ideas to the company blog and use keyword: M4TW16 in online galleries!
this is so cool
Thank you so much for showing how you made this! What a neat idea! Love the paper-pieced hearts and that big scalloped heart behind the moody girl! :)
This is fun, what a great way to make a basket with an easily found bag. Fun!
Such a cute idea and wonderful tutorial!!!
cute idea, never heard of colored staples...
Very very cute...I have been putting off going down to my craft area to make some bags to hold my kids valentines treats from glad I checked this out first..I'll have to see what I come up withI was planning on using smaller bags but maybe i will have to use bigger ones...;)
Love your decorated one by the way very cute
That's pretty cool Dawn! I have tons of those lunch sacks from the kids lunch bags they don't use I have an idea of how to get rid of! Thanks for inspiring!
I got mine made Dawn...I posted them at midnight on my blog...if anyone should happen to come and see I linked them to yours..thanks again for the great idea
Hey Dawn - We just got the mail...Guy was thrilled...he is going to call you, but right now Steve is reading him a book...and he's into it...THANK YOU!
So cute!
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