Which shall I announce first? Well...bad news...
My mom slipped on the stairs as she was walking up from the basement at 809 and broke her ankle. Dad called me around 11am to let me know and to ask me to contact my sibs and (assumably) the extended family. (Tender Mercy #1: I picked up the phone even though the ID said it was some place I didn't reconize...just that I recoginized the area code...and typically if I don't know the number, I don't pick up the phone.)
Apparently she was walking up the stairs and slipped. But dad is working afternoons (tender mercy #2) and heard her (tender mercy #3) and raced to help her out. Thinking that it could be a compound fracture, he called the abulance...who came and drove her to the hospital. Six people attended to her. The pain was excruciating...even with morphine...it was a 7 or 8. Yikes!
I talked to mom for 20 seconds before she was taken to xrays.
So, I got in contact with all my sibs, my mother's godmother and her aunt.
Just before 3pm, Dad called again to say that mom was admitted to the hospital and the surgery wouldn't be today, but it would be scheduled. He was racing off to work but I could call in a few minutes.
Well, I didn't have time to call since there were people over...but I used the internet to send out the phone number to my siblings (3 out of 4 of them LOVE the internet...tender mercy #4). As I was chatting with a neighbor I realized that I could get in touch with church members and other friends through FACEBOOK. (I had tried googling phone numbers earlier in the day and it hadn't turned anythingup.) I'm not a fan of that site but do have an account. I posted a message. Then a little while later I thought to post on on my Mom's wall...(TM #5). Then a short time after that...it "dawned" on me that I have my Mom's best friend's name on my Instant Messenger list....and send her a message. She happened to be at her desk and replied as soon as I posted. (TM#6) So she sent me her cell # and I called to bring her up to date.
Meanwhile, Facebook came through...and friends were responding. I was later able to find a church member's number online...and talked to her. She said that typically, she doesn't go online until the evening. But today, b/c of a set of circumstances, she clicked on earlier and got the scoop. (TM#7) I even got the number of my aunt and uncle in CA who I rarely talk to b/c of distance. (TM#8)
Then I called Dad to check in with him at work since I couldn't get in touch with my mom...her phone was ringing off the hook and everyone is worried/concerned for her. That's when he told me that she was down at their old house...809. My reply was, "Oh,oh...now that house is REALLY mad at her for moving away." (Her not so secret fear is that the house is unhappy that she moved out. haha) And he said that his punny was, "Is this the final break before being able to sell this house?" haha (Finding humor in the face of adversity TM#9)
I was able to talk to my mom for a few minutes. She's in horrible pain but sounds good. She's had friends call and drop by, take care of her pets and offer lots of assistance. (friends...TM#10)
I'm sure my parents could list more tender mercies from their vantage point. I'm soooo glad to be able to see the Lord's hand in all that happens. What a blessing. What a reassurance.
So...the good news?

Several months ago, Janet, of Corrosive Challenge Blog by Janet invited me to be on her design team for a few months starting in September! How flattering is that! I have done her challenges from time to time b/c she has such fun challenges. Today I received the list of designers that I will be working with. (Check out my sidebar for the complete list of names.) I knew that Diane (aka djuseless) was one. I was her big sis for a Secret Sister Swap on SCS a while back. Today I learned that Mary Vogel is on this team too. She and I are on the Sherrod Studio team together. So you can bet there will be some Sherrod images on those challenges starting in September!!
good for you and sending prayers your mom's way. your dad is punny but your mom probably wouldn't appreciate his humor today.
Dawn,so sorry to hear about your mom.
Dawn, sorry to hear about your mom! We are going to have so much fun on CCJB!!! I cannot wait! Wait until you see the image I am using for our first challenge, you are going to bust a gut!!!!!
Congrats on the Corrosive DT...they are fun challenges that JAnet has.
Sorry to hear about your mom's fall...but amazed and inspired that you're able to see so much good in the situation!
Hey Dawn, congrasts on the DT Challenege thingy...Hope Mom gets feeling better
I am sending prayers your Mama's way and I hope she gets outta the pain soon. I had a little chuckle at the house being angry with her thing though :o)
Thank the Lord for Facebook!
Congratulations on the DT girl!
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