Noticed the ASKEWED panel, again.
These babes have the personalities of my own three. #3 is a screamer. Boy is he loud...even when talking. #1 is loving. True to being an oldest child, he wants to be centerstage. And of course, the oldest is the best. haha. My DD is #2 and is kind and loving. Sometimes unsure and shy...but always sweet.
I really do not know if I can part with this card. Maybe I will make it into some framed art work for myself. The babies and their heads are on a really neat look in itself.
Awwwww!!! Cute! I think I would save it for myself too!
My oldest is very social but kinda unsure of himself (too high of expectations?hmmmmm) The youngest is the one who wants center stage. He WORSHIPS his older brother but has his own opinions on things and is much more certain of what he wants and how he wants it. Like my MIL always says: "if they were exactly the same, life would be boring!!)
Oh good grief! Those crawlers ARE stinkin' cute in all the ways intended. adorable card!
OMG isn't that just the darn cutest card ever!!!!!! stinkin cute is right.....totally adorable!!!!
how fun autobiographical cards...
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