
More Starving Artistamps giveaways...

Check this out...

A new release and a chance to get it free. Good news, the winner of the last give away was named Dawn. Bad news, it wasn't THIS Dawn. Boohoo... I am hoping for a win sooner or later. Starving Artistamps/Doodlefactory should know that I have introduced their line of whimsical beasts to a lot of stampers online. And I have given away a lot of stamped images to people too!

I'm spreading the word...so please, pretty please...pull my name! haha. (I need those bugs! haha)

If you want your own chance to win, go sign up. Check back often b/c they are talking about more sets being released in the future!

1 comment:

Great Grandma Lin said...

busy vacationing...aunt lin