If you want to see a pix of my Grandfather, click on my Mom's blog HERE. She uploaded the latest and greatest pix of RAO. My scanner is still not hooked up. But just know, every time I read a new entry on my Mom's blog about Bonpapa, I start crying.

(Duh...right click, copy, paste...duh!)
hi, you got a new photo of you with longer hair and a new setup on your blog...congrats. just hang in there, computers and life are to learned about. sorry to hear of the loss of your grandpa but he is happy now reunited with your grandma-maybe she needed him now. aunt lin
I'm so sorry about the passing of your Grandfather. He was a remarkable man - you were lucky to have him for so long.
((((HUGS))))) Dawn....I know you will miss your grandpa, but like you said, you don't have to have regrets~~that is a good (and sadly, a rare) thing to say
Your grandfather was a very distinquished, good looking man....those looks must run in your family!
Thinking of you and your family
So sorry about your Grandpa. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I'm so sorry to read about the loss of your granfather. What a blessing that you grew up nearby and had a great relationship with him. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Michelle
Wow! Nice new background! I'm sorry to hear about your background...it's neat to see how thankful you are about what you have!
Sorry about you grandfather Dawn, wow, what a good looking man he was. You were lucky to have him in your life.
Dawn, so sorry to hear about your Bonpapa. What an amazing life he lived. He sounds so special and it sounds as if you have amazing memories to cherish forever.
Blessings to you and your family. I know its been a few days, but I still send my hugs.
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