I have a Christmas card from a 7th grader named Brittany Bingham who wrote:
"Art isn't my favorite class, but I really enjoyed it this year." And I can picture in my memory's mind an idea of what this young girl looked like when I see this card.
I have a funny thank you note from my High school friend Will who closes with:
"If I said you're one in a million, there would be 5,000 of you on the planet. So you're one in 5,000,000,000!" haha. What a bright boy he was!
I have another sweet letter, folded as only a note could be folded back in 80s...complimenting me in several spiritual and sweet ways from a boy who had a crush on me.
Maybe I should scan in these letters or at least transpose them. Maybe. I love looking at the handwriting and remember the feelings I had and way these words make me feel.
Now, seriously, I wasn't diving into these past notes...just skimming a few. I did find one from my Aunt Barbara and her husband that was written a while after we were married. She sent us a silver serving dish and spoon and fork that belonged to my Grandmother Hatch...my father's mother. Also there were two "hand-fashioned dollies" (as she called them) by my great grandmother Isabell White.
"Your dad knew her well. She lived with our family before your Dad's mission. She did beautiful sewing and handiwork and taught sewing at BYU Academy in Beaver, UT many years ago."
Here is a pix of those "dollies."
I'm guessing these were tatted. Be assured, Mom, that I will be finding a white hankie and pressing the edges down on the larger dollie.
Here is a oil painting done by my Grandmother, Marian Hatch who is my Dad's mother. It now hangs in my living room.
I think it is such a sweet picture and it is perfect for my house too.
So, another "resolution" which I sort of talked about months ago...I am going to try to be a better card/letter writer. I started a letter to a woman who I worked for in college. The angel for the top of my Christmas tree is stored in a Priority Mail box that Kathy S. sent a baby gift to C* in years ago. I often thing of her and another woman named Ruth Vest. Ruth always said, "What a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive." Kathy had the habit of saying, "that went up my nose!" when something irritated her immensely. haha. Hopefully she is still living in the same residence and will get the letter. Meanwhile, I better switch around the laundry and continue working on my Brownie/Music/Junior Achievement responsibilities.
how fun to have old letters. i have my dad's letters he wrote to my mom before they married, and they are precious as he died when I was only five.
I knew your grandma Marian Hatch and her mother Isabel White. Both very independent women. Marian was always helping others out and I hope someone has written her life story and also one of your grandpa Frank C Hatch who was such a sweetie and a fix it man.
I also knew your great grandparents Frank S Hatch and Lottie Cottam who lived in Scipio. She told so many stories of her singing in the Tabernacle Choir and later teaching school in Scipio, He was a graduate of U of U in electrical engineering and then became a rancher/farmer in Scipio. Lots of history there that needs to be written down by someone.
Dawn~I like reading the tidbits of your everyday life. While I always enjoy looking the the art creations that other's make, somehow, reading the "everyday" bits makes me feel like I know them....not just how they create. Thanks for sharing those tidbits of your life
I have had fun reading your blog. My Mother (80) crochets, and I believe that's what your doilies are...I have some of Moms with that pattern :-) Thanks for sharing.
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