So...just when I think none of my family members glance at this blog (expect for Mom), my BIL leaves a comment on my blog! Haha. Thanks Hank. Guess he's got a sneak peek on the Christmas gift...good thing I didn't explain the gift much more!
So...several months back, I posted a pix of my earring that I lost. Another earring story to tell. This one much happier. After a rather frustrating Sunday...I realized, while visiting my friend that I only had one earring in. This was a set of pearl earrings that my husband had given me when we first got married. You know me...I get crazy and nutsy when I lose things. But Sunday I just didn't even bother to look much at all. I checked the car while M* swept her kitchen floor. No earring...forget it the whole thing. I looked around when I got back home that evening...but I didn't do my whole "stressed and worried" thing. Early, early, early, on Monday morning, DD came into my room b/c she wanted to go online to play with the webkinz. First she went into my bathroom to use the potty...and she came guessed it! The missing earring. It was like 6:10 AM...I don't know how her eagle eyes saw that one. She said it was hanging on my robe! Guess it had falled off when I was hanging up a towel? So now, I have to find the back of the earring. Just kidding.
Lastly (for now), a plug for a product...
I use Noxema...Have used it for my entire life. I was blessed with near flawless skin my entire life too. That is, until about 6 weeks ago. My face was just horrendous...especially around my hair line. At first I thought it would just clear up. I'm 34 and I had more zits that the previous 33 years combined! No joke. So I asked my upline and her friend for suggestions since they are very much into "natural stuff." One of the suggestions was Kirk's Castile Soap. L* caustioned me to use Olive Oil as a moisturizer. (Okay, I did that once!) It was amazing. I've used it for maybe 3 weeks now. And you can feel your face tightening up as if you had used an astringent.

Now, my face still isn't at it's near flawless state...but it is certainly a VAST improvement. So if you are facing some midlife acne break out...try:
1 comment:
I have never heard of this but will definitely be looking now!
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