Today was the first soccer game for C* and M*'s teams!!!
M*'s game was first...and it was a good game. She kept right up with those boys, as she was the only girl on either team. We were in charge of both the 1/2 time fruit energizer snack and the after game treat.
Lugging 3 chairs, a bag of shoes and balls across the fields was not fun for me...then I had to turn around and lug a HEAVY cooler filled with orange slices, capris suns, water and ice to our field. It's too bad men these days don't offer to help a lady. I sure hope my boys will learn to offer help when they see some one in need. My DD should learn this too!
The Ninja Knights, our team, won! I think it was 3 to 1. Go TEAM!
Then we quickly packed up, lugged everthing BACK to the week, I'm taking the wagon in the van...and drove over to another park with fields for C*'s game. His was a super exciting game. And not just because he coach chewed me out! (okay...if you really want to know about that one, call me!) This hulking man brandishing his finger in my face as I was sitting in a camping chair. I simply said, "Don't wave that finger at me. " A couple of times. Men and their sports! When the game was over, I shook hands with the man...who obviously gets heated during a game and needs to be fair with his players.
Okay, again, call if you want the whole story!
So before the 2nd game, I stopped off at the restrooms and everyone used the facilities. Now, E* must have been chugging water b/c with in less than an hour's time, he had to "go" 3 times. The 2nd time, we walked a far distance to a portapotty. The 3rd time, I didn't think he REALLY had to go...and then there was no time and I had to take him off to the side where there was a bunch of bushes and trees...if you know what I mean! haha.
So, the Cheetahs (C's team) played very well. C played a lot in today's game. I think it was b/c the coach was trying to show me that he was fair. That, or the twin girls on the team kept complaining of troubled ankles. And gawky and awkward as he can be...keeps running and jumping and tumbling and stopping those goals. (He enjoys playing the goalie position!)
Team Cheetah won today too! I think the score was 3-2. There was too much running to the port a potty/bushes for me to catch each goal.
Super Stars on the let's hope that they game be super siblings too!
1 comment:
prefer the cut smiley, pony tailed girl and the happy goalie pix to the last one with the I'm Tough and Mean photo. Great day.
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