The first three days were spent in Waikiki, HI...just East of Honolulu. One evening, we were walking back from the beach and we passed a street guy with birds. You could hold them and get your pix taken with them. Of course I wanted to do it and asked how much it would cost. He said it was a donation. So, I posed with this bird when another street guy came up. He posed me with 2 more birds! Arranged them all around. Got a couple of pictures in.
Well...when we gave him back the birds, he launched into this speal about 10 bucks...5 for the birds, 5 for something else. Of course he got real snippy when I said, "the other man told me it was a's our donation." He wouldn't take any money if it wasn't the ten bucks. So well...his lost I guess. But it certainly dampened the day.
And that guy stood at the street corner every time we walked passed it. I sure hope he didn't recognize me.
great picture!
Ahhh how sweet! What beautiful birds! You look like you've go a nice tan going on!
oooooh looks like a fun time all around. love the pic!
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