Gordon B. Hinckley said:
"Walk with gratitude in your hearts, my dear friends. Be thankful for the wonderful blessings which are yours. Be grateful for the tremendous opportunities that you have. Be thankful to your parents, who care so very much about you and who have worked so very hard to provide for you. Let them know that you are grateful. Say thank you to your mother and your father. Say thank you to your friends. Say thank you to your teachers. Express appreciation to everyone who does you a favor or assists you in any way. Thank the Lord for His goodness to you."
As I get older, I have become more grateful and more aware of things I need to be grateful for. Sometimes, when I am at my kitchen sink with the faucet running just to get water colder or hotter or to rinse off dishes, I think, "Wow, I am so blessed to have such a never ending supply of water. I wonder what people would think in Africa or Asia...places where women struggle to get any water or fresh/good water for their families. Here I am letting it go down the drain...just to get it cooler or to rinse off dishes before I wash them."
Tonight as I was blog browsing, I came across this picture on Stamper's Dream blog (by Michelle).

While it is a fun pix, the words she wrote rang true. Michelle encouraged others with this statement: "Now...my blogging friends, please just take the time today to be thankful for 3 things. Apppreciate them, and vow not to take them for granted."
So, you've seen the funny picture and read about one of the things for which I am truly grateful. Now, I challenge you to post 3 things you are grateful for here. Feel free to use the pix and challenge others on your own blog too!
Hi Dawn! What a great idea! I would love to start! 3 things I am thankful for....
1. My new home. It is so wonderful for us to have found our "home" and I cannot wait to create a childhood of memories for our kids here.
2. My friends - especially SCS friends. There are very few people who 'appreciate' my addiction to stamping but the ones who do really touch my heart and make me want to stretch myself and try new things.
3. My extended family - with Mother's Day this weekend I am very sad - I miss my mom so much. Life will never be the same without her. But my mother in law and I have really gotten closer in the last year and I appreciate that she is always there for me when I need a "Mom".
Hugs to you Dawn! You are a great SCS Friend!
1. families who know how to love, endure, develop each other, have patience, keep in close contact, express LOVE< LOVE> LOVE.
2. music in all its forms and instruments. the stuff that makes me happy, sad, bring back memories. the stuff that helps me clean or endure.
3. Truth in all things. what we see in worship service, in a child's comment, in the unexpressed service
I love your post, Dawn! Thanks for the reference to my blog. I could easily list 3 more things for which I am thankful. There is truly an abundance of blessings!
ok Dawn here is my three things :)
MY DH! he just serprised me with a big Motheres Day gift!
My boys! Every day they change into little people
and the great weather we have been having!
What a great reminder! Sometimes I think I need to practice living in Thanksgiving daily a little bit better. My list:
1. I am thankful for my family and that a merciful Heavenly Father has provided a way for me to be with them eternally
2. I am thankful for the wonderful world that I live in--the flowers, the trees, the stars in the sky at night...
3. I am thankful for beauty; beautiful words that inspire, beautiful music that stirs the soul,beautiful art that uplifts, beautiful people who bless my life!
Oh this is easy.. my oldest son.. my youngest son.. and my dad!!
Hey Dawn!
I'm thankful for so many things
1. My freedom
2. My family (esp. my new nephew)
3. My health and God's provision (I was in a car accident that was pretty bad yesterday on the way to my parent's house and I walked away with soreness, bruises and burns from the airbag)
Hi Dawn
My 3 things I am thankful for are:
1. My faith...it has gotten our family through a very rough fall and winter.
2. My husband he is loving generous and kind
3. My kids they make being a mom easy...most of the time:)
Also, refering to your clipboard set. I would like to do that as a class for end of the year teacher appreciation. I'd like to post pics of my examples on my blog (brand new) for my customers to see. I will give you full credit for the original idea. Is that ok? you can email me at klangstraat@sbcglobal.net
I just wanted to say Happy Mothers Day and thanks for all your help
I was stopping by to check your Speedy's card for today and this popped up too. Thanks so much for sharing this, it made my morning. This is so sweet and precious it brought tears to my eyes.
I have so many things to be thankful for it is hard to know where to start. I thank God each night for my husband, son, and our good health.
Have a grea day, Dawn!
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