
I'm NOT doing it!

FYI...If you have word verification on your blog, I AM NOT taking the time to comment. Good grief...two words...and they are hard to read???  Blogger has spam boxes...and it has always worked for me. So if you don't get comments from me...and you have word verification...THAT is why!


StampOwl said...

they are driving me nuts too, can't blame you for not wanting to comment!

Great Grandma Lin said...

I took it off mine, so come visit...lol!

http://blog.timetocreate.com.au/ said...

But sometimes they are interesting words. I imagine what they might be! :)

Jennifer Scull said...

I am right there with ya.... my head is a neurological mess and it truly hurts to try to read those. people just don't understand when I tell them that comment moderation works so much better and really doesn't hurt the person on the other end.