
Stay At Home Mom

When I have forms that ask my occupation, I write in "mother" or "stay at home mom."  Why?  B/c it is sooooo important.

Today, is my #1's ELEVENTH birthday.  He was given breakfast in bed. His request:  pancakes, eggs, and sausage. 

Then, as we were all getting ready for the day, it hit me....BIRTHDAY TREAT FOR SCHOOL. 

I had none prepared.

But luckily for us, we have candy on the shelves, a crafty stay at home mom who can take the extra minutes before the bus to stamp tags, cut curling ribbon and tie together 3 twizzlers (which are allergy free to 99% of school kids) with the help of one of my kids.  (Hey, I even checked DD's homework while the tying was going on!)  Then, as we walked down to the bus stop, we had an assembly line.  #1 handed me a bundle. I curled the ribbon. Then #2 put it in the large ziplock bag.  Repeat.

We had plenty of time to spare before the bus came too!

I'm typically completely on the ball about things.  Once in a while, we all miss things. But being home means I can serve breakfast in bed, tuck notes into lunches each day, walk the kids to the bus stop, serve in school and around the community, and still have moments to myself.  

Although, I'm always happy to have snowdays.  Bring on the snow!!

Now...I must rush off to do my daily biking!


Andrea said...

You are awesome! I can't believe that you managed to stamp a bunch of tags and tie them together all in the same morning of getting ready for the day. Our mornings seem so packed and I am not even making lunches yet!! You are an inspiration to all stay-at-home Moms!

Susan said...

even being a SAHM you are still amazing. Not every SAHM keeps a supply of non-essentials on her shelves but these non becomes essential when you least expect it. And look what a good lesson you are teaching your kids, esp your daughter.

Becky said...

Being a SAHM is a full time job,
one of the most important.

Unknown said...

Great job mom!

Great Grandma Lin said...

you are awesome, I'm impressed with all you do...

Tammy said...

Wow, what a way to start the day! Happy birthday to your son.

Kim P said...

Dawn, You ROCK!! Oh that more moms (and all of us actually) would find such joy in their morning routines!! Your kids are blessed to have you!