
Sad news...

Okay, actually, this was supposed to be for some good news. Our elementary school just earned Michigan's Blue Ribbon school award. We are one of only 22 who achieved it!

So I thought I would make a batch of yummy delicious cinnamon rolls to congratulate the staff. Only...

while it was rising...

I went up stairs...

got lost on the boob tube 2 (aka the computer)...

and forgot about the dough.

So...Mom says it might be vinegary...and I wouldn't want a bitter treat for the hard working teachers and staff.

I made up one pan for C b/c "rolls of cinnamon I like best" is his mantra. The rest went into the garbage...

He witnessed the act and he was mortified!!

Oh well...

(E* just saw the thrown out dough...wah, wah, wah....)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no! ((hugs)) Though I must say, I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that! ;)