
Cookie Baker!

Last weekend, Granny and Papa gave McK* a cookie book, just because. And today, she made her first recipe from it...Peanut butter blossoms! (Although the recipe calls it something else.)




Lisa M. (aka. Lisa @ Farm Fresh) said...

LOL! I know a name for those cookies...and it ISN'T blossoms! LOL!

Great Grandma Lin said...

looks like the tradition of cooking from scratch continues on to another generation. they look good enough to eat if I lived closer I'd be over. aunt lin

Miss Boo (a.k.a. jen70) said...

Those look like great cookies! Yum! And wow... doesn't that kitchen look familiar. LOL! Thanks for the nomination. I'll post it on my blog as soon as I catch up posting a few other things. Thanks!

Susan said...

oh my goodness....look at the organization of that cookie specialist...those kisses are lined up so prettily before being placed on the dough. Cuteness.

Anonymous said...

YUMMMMM!!! Is 7 am too early to start eating cookies???!!