This morning, just after the kids left for school...I was pushing a plastic box under my dresser. It wouldn't give. Then crack...a plastic piece cracked off and sliced my finger.
Of course, my right pointer finger...where my finger print is...a little to the right.
E was too tired to give a lot of help and my helpful scouts were gone for the day. Boo Hoo.
So of course I called dear ol' mom for some sympathy. I don't know that I"ll be doing much stamping right now. Or dishes, mopping, folding, etc.
It was a slice that turned out deeper than I expected when I clipped off the flap. of course, pressure to my finger pad is very uncomfortable. I am prone to finger injuries. Probably 6 or so since I was a teen. I'd take the bandage off to snap a pix but Mom said, "Keep it covered and dry."
Feel free to post your sympathies. I can't stay on the phone all day with Mom. And I'm already dreading conducting the music in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. :)
At least it is a temporary thing. But think of all that you do with you right pointer. I used to be a very fast typer who never looked at the keyboard. And now I gotta look. keys are so worn...the letters have worn off...some keus even have holes in them.
Well, I guess I should go find some thing to eat asince I can't play on the computer, stamp and there isnothing in tv. haha, too bad I don't have any hershey bars.
awwwwww!!!!!!!!! Poor Dawn!! Well, get a good book, lay on the couch and enjoy your day!
Oh Dawn, your poor, poor thing! That must really hurt! I can't believe you sacrificed yourself to let us know you were so badly injured! You go rest now, put your feet up, not too high now, just up enough to keep the pressure off your poor little pointy finger! {{{{hugs}}}}
Now doesn't that sound a lot better than "here, let me pound your other hand so you'll stop thinking about your finger." Which would be my father's answer! LOL! ;D
Hope you feel better soon! Don't want you to experience any stamping withdrawals!
Man don't you hate that! I too have done the same type of thing and it is not fun. I hope that while you can't make some new creations you can at least be thinking about what you are going to create next. I hope the rest of today is better than the first part of the day.
poor Sick Chick! hope your finger gets better soon!
sorry to hear of your accident, it will make you appreciate your finger so much more. things we take for granted each day, good health, no injuries or other trauma. i was out walking years ago and it was dusk when i arrived home and twisted my ankle and fell. caught my self with my right hand, breaking my right thumb. you can't do anything without a thumb like open cans, put on panty hose, etc. the list is long. get well soon. love, aunt lin
Oooooo.....Dawn - that looks ouchie!! I hope it heals quickly.
OUCH! I hope it feels better soon!
Hey, I called you, but you must've sliced the finger that you use to pick up the phone, because no one answered!!! I hope you are doing better!!! - J
OH poor poor thing.....HUGS...and...chocolate...and ice cream....can I fluff your you need anything....let me make you some soup (is that enough?) All kidding aside - keep it covered-dry and of course....above your heart, which means-NO DISHES or CLEANING-and hangin out on the sofa watching a couple yummy movies is just what this Health Care Professional ordered for you. Feel Better Soon. Kadie
I am so sorry Dawn to hear about your finger. Just do what your Mom says, they know the best. I know you miss stamping, but just hang in there, you have plenty of time. And yes I do miss your work, but you have to have time to recover, so kick back on the couch and eat some bon-bon'
Take care.........Ellen
P.S. I made up a big ole poor of chicken hamburger and beans, want me to bring some over it is very good.
Dawn, I'm so sorry to hear about your finger. I bet you do miss making cards. I miss seeing what you have done next, but sit back on the couch and take it easy. Mothers always know the best, so follow what she is telling you. Sit back eat some bon-bon's and enjoy your time.
If you lived closer I would bring you over supper.....just made a big ole pot of ground chicken meat with beans and MMMMM it is smelling good.
Take care honey..........Ellen
You poor, poor baby! You deserve more than Hershey's bars! And so do all the people who won't be getting cards and treats during the time it takes your finger to heal!
Jenifer VanPelt
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