
A new card...finally

I finally stamped a card today. Since I have need of many thank you cards, I will try to stock pile them! I really liked today's challenge sketch. Mainly b/c I am always looking for ways to use the long thin stamps...like these tulips!

And...for your viewing pleasure...some Easter pictures. Ken and I were the speakers in church. That coupled with the fact that I lead the music each week and I'm obsessive about being on time where ever I go...means that we had to get to church early. Though it is our normal time. But it didn't leave time for pictures. So I brought my camera and we snapped a few on the couch in the foyer. I think M* took the pix of Ken and I. Which is pretty good considering she's 7 years old.


Renee said...

Great family pictures! Your family is so cute! The kids are getting so big! Oh and love the card! It's about time you posted something on your blog!

Anonymous said...

What a good looking family!
Great card too!

Great Grandma Lin said...

loved your card and family photos, was beginning to think you'd stopped blogging. keep it up. i think tina-dan's wife would like to blog also but may need some help. aunt lin

Anonymous said...

great card! and nice family pics! I would be a nervise wreck if I had to speak in church!!!

QuiltNut Creations said...

great card Dawn! your family is lovely-love the boys' matching shirts. just too cute

Anonymous said...

love your card and your photos!!!

Shelly said...

Beautiful family and gorgeous color combo on your card!

Linda SS said...

You have certainly been blessed with a beautiful family:)

Judy Rozema said...

How did I miss these??? BEAUTIFUL family!