haha...Yep...Today is my birthday. Yippee. I'm pretty partial to my birthday since I even try to celebrate it six months from the actual day. The song that is playing is a song that came out while I was in college that I liked to listen to on my special day. haha.

Here are a couple of pix of me as a cute, adorable baby. You probably know that I was my parents' first (and bestest) child. Here are some things I know about my birth:
My parents announced my arrival to my grandmother on Christmas through a gift. My mom got a small wooden box, placed a small baby doll inside and wrapped it up. The note said: "I am coming down to earth to be a part of your family and this is to keep you company while you wait for me." That is what is said more or less. (You can bet that I announced my #1 pregnancy in a similar manner!)
I was extremely LATE. My poor mom carried me 10 months. This was back before doctors induced babies, I guess. Back at the end of June, when she thought she was going to deliver soon, she was picking Strawberries in Hirum, OH at a Stake Farm. People heckled her a bit and suggested that if I was a girl, I should be named "Strawberry Patch Hatch." (Of course this was before you found out the sex of your babies too!) Meanwhile...Mom had to wait over a month more for my arrival.
I have heard stories that my dad was late in getting to the hospital b/c he had to stop at a car parts store. But in his defense, he has always been a fabulous car mechanic that kept our cars running despite their age and condition. I rode home from the hospital in my great aunt's truck...probably held in my mother's arms. (Before seatbelt laws.)
I know that I was loved and wanted and cherished. My grandmother came over daily to "help my mom." But I'm sure she knew Mom was capable and she just wanted to be around me...her #1 grandbaby! I was practically perfect in every way.
While there are probably other stories these are the ones that I know and love the best. Thanks Mom and Dad for being the bestest parents I could ever have!
"Happy happy Birthday Dawn dear! Happy days will come to you all year..." It's fun to read a little about your history. (I was born in Ohio too.)I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
AWWWWW!!! What a cute baby you were!! Happy Birthday Dawn!! Here's hoping you have a wonderful day!!!
Let's see what I can tell....back in those days, disposable diapers were still pretty new. So you were started out in cloth after we got home from the hospital. But man! Those cloth diapers were never going to do for you. One little drop of pee and you'd scream bloody murder. So with a totally meager budget, we had to buy the disposables. Never went back to the stinky cloth ones for you or your sibs.
Your "Gunner" did come by every day because she wanted to hold you but she sure was a help. Very early in your life, you refused to drink a bottle all day. Late that night, screaming your head off from hunger, Gunner came back...and guess what, the nipple on the bottle was plugged. I can say that you and I got a great night sleep.
You always took very (obsessive) good care of your siblings. And you have always been a delight to have around. You were crafty back as a toddler, odd choices in shoes, learned your scriptures well, and was an amazing hard worker.
What still surprises me is how spotless your whole house is these days when your bedroom (while you lived at my home) was so NOT!
Love you...Happy birthday Dawn-o. Love mom (and I am sure Gunner has checked in on you today, too)
Thanks for sharing your photos, Dawn!
happy birthday babes!
you look like your mom! wow!
happy 21st birthday, (for the umpth time) hehe
and many many more@
Hey. I was catching up on your blog because I have been so busy and it looks like I missed your birthday. So here I am screaming HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Dawn hope you had a good day and a good year, you're awesome!
Happy Birthday to you. Have a great day!!
Happy Birthday Dawn. You were a cute baby!
You were truly one of the most precious & beautiful babies I've ever seen! I hope that your mother kept that most amazing heirloom dress, it's fabulous. I'm assuming it's a baptismal dress? Hope your Birthday was very very HAPPY.
happy belated birthday Dawn! love your baby pictures. hope you had a fabulous day
Happy Birthday, Dawn! Love the pictures and the stories! What great memories to pass along!
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