
I'm not amused about today's shootings...

Today will be one of those days when in the future, I'll look back and remember what I was doing and where I was at when I heard about the HORRIFIC Virgina Tech shootings...or would "massacre" be a better descriptor. I was sitting in my neighbor's sunny kitchen chatting while the kids played downstairs as the Nor'easter howled through the trees outside. She has a TV in that room that was on a regular channel...when the news broke in about the shootings. Needless to say, I was stunned. It was just horrible to hear. I remember going to college, walking everwhere, all the time on an open campus. How quickly the world changes! How unfair for those who come after this! I never, ever thought about a possible gunman in an academic or residence hall. I never thought to walk quickly in between open spaces and walk ways. I never considered having to jump out of a window to get out of a life treatening situation. That charmed childhood I boast about must now be extended through my college years.

So I suppose...maybe I'm just getting old. Since old-timers seem to recall better days that happened in the past. The trouble is...I'm not that old. Worse times seem to be happening a lot more rapidly as time goes by.

I am grateful for the good times, the carefree times and pleasant memories. As one student wrote on the Virginia Tech bulletin board..."God bless Virginia Tech." God bless and protect each one of us.

1 comment:

Jocelyn Christensen said...

I agree...I have always been a person who was against home schooling, but as time has passed, and even before I started having kids, I have said over and over again how surprised I am that public schools even exist anymore! And every day I prepare myself for the thought that I MIGHT have to home school my kids, just because the world is not safe enough for children anymore...let alone college kids. It's a sad commentary...